20 Organizational Tips for Web Marketers

In today’s world, the term “web marketer” can really mean many different things. You could be more of a traditional marketer, creating content & advertisements for your clients that are intended to drive web traffic or e-commerce sales, or you could be more of a social media manager, maintaining your client’s web presence and portraying a specific image to the world. Whatever your job description, staying on task is a crucial part of your day.

From social media to project and client management, web marketers are inundated with information. Staying organized and current on your projects, as well as technical and communication news, is critical to providing the best service and maintaining a good relationship with your customers. To help you out, we’ve put together a list of 20 tips to help you stay organized and on task throughout your busy day.

Here are 20 tips for web marketers (or anyone!) to stay organized:   Read more of this post